I am a self-taught poet, tutored by poet friends, others’ poems, workshops and books on writing poetry.  I use a form like haiku or sonnet to shape my work.  Since 2012 I have largely written iambic pentameter blank verse.   I started writing short verse forms in about 2007.

I don’t know the source of the sudden urge to write poems after 50 years of legal writing.  The urge is real, compelling.  I enjoy the creative process and love my work.  It's most gratifying when one of my poems touches someone else.  I am of an age when I can “no longer don the youthful disregard of death,” to quote one of my poems.  My age gives me a perspective to write poems I could not have contemplated 20 years ago.  I suspect I write to exorcise some unknown demon(s).

My writing is informed by my background.  I’ve been married for almost 60 years to a wonderful supportive woman, whose talent in the visual arts has always stunned and mystified me.  With our three children and five grandchildren, we are a close, if very extended, family.

For health, recreation and inspiration. I take long walks every morning on our quiet rural dirt roads, practice yoga, and meditate. I have traveled extensively in North and South America and western Europe, have camped, hiked, fished, hunted, skied, sailed, raced bicycles and hold a commercial pilot's license.    I love classical music (I’ve studied Bach on the piano), theater, photography and other visual arts.

Professionally, I practiced law for 55 years, 7 as a public prosecutor, and served as a state legislator and on local, state, and national public service boards.  I am now retired, leaving me time to devote to this new craft I love and am learning.

My worldview is Buddhist.